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“Seasons of Slush”

Seasons of slush

The sun is coming out more and more each day as that dingy brown starts to peek out through the melting snow like a soldier in a fox hole. We are close to spring and more outdoor activities that lye ahead. But we have to get through this season of slush in our lives. That time when its too tough or hard to reach out. The water seems to drip off the gutter and onto the driveway leaving a bigger ice skating rink each day. We wonder when is it ever going to melt? When can I get on with the things I need to do? At least when we are deployed we have a countdown to go off, 23 days and a wake up. Counting the minutes down when we get to return stateside and fantasizing on whats the first piece of American food we are going to consume. Those calendars in our pockets or on our phones now seem to dictate how are attitudes can either be positive or negative. We all want things to look forward to. It can seem like a year deployment with no end in site if our calendars are empty. I don’t know about you but when I am on a trip or its coming up I am usually so excited and hopeful for the experiences I am about to have. But now is that awkward time where the grass is so full of brown and the green blades are fighting to poke through. The woods sound like a fountain with all of the melting snow dripping to the ground. The birds seem to come out of nowhere and the squirrels are busy annoying everyone. The slush is deep and your feet get wet and cold and your just not sure about adventuring outdoors. And thats when the questions start to rise up in our head. Like should I put it for this fishing trip or that deer hunt? I have never done that before will I like it? Will I know anyone there? What if they don’t like me? What if I shoot and I miss? These questions can seem like emotional hand grenades going off all around us. They try to sabotage the good times we could have. Band of Brothers Outdoors is a place where expectations are not high, we want you to step out of your comfort zone and try something maybe you haven’t before, thats where the growth comes in. Good times, great food and memories can only add to that sunshine to melt our slush. That’s where friendships are forged and maybe they last forever or just for the weekend. But one thing is for sure the next time you see them wether its two events or ten events later we just pick up where we left off. We all have our seasons of slush and we can get through them together. Find some big rubber boots ( yellow or camouflage) and throw them in your truck, just incase you need them. If your wearing the yellow ones, odds are we are all going to have something to talk about. Let’s kick the slush’s ass.

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